宁波海天集团创建于1966年,现为国家大型企业、中国塑料机械工业协会理事长单位、中国轻工机械协会副理事长单位、国家火炬计划北仑注塑机产业基地核心企业、首批国家创新型企业、国家级高新技术企业。企业拥有行业内首个国家认定企业技术中心。 Founded in 1966, Ningbo Haitian Group is a large national enterprise, director unit of China Plastics Machinery Industry Association, vice director unit of China Light Industry Machinery Association, Beilun Injection Molding Machine Industry Base Core Enterprise of National Torch Plan Projects, the first batch of national innovative enterprises and national-level high-tech enterprise. The enterprise owns the first technology center recognized by the country in the industry. 企业主营注塑机、数控机床、伺服电机与控制三大产业,2013年销售收入近百亿元,其中出口2亿多美元,远销五大洲118个国家和地区。其中海天注塑机以其产销量世界第一、规模亚洲最大、技术国内领先至今已雄居我国注塑机产业龙头十余年。 Injection molding machine, numerical control machine tool, servo motor and control are the three major business of the company whose sales revenue has almost reached one hundred million yuan in 2013, among which more than $200 million had been the revenue for exporting to five continents, 118 countries and regions. With its largest sales volume in the world, largest scale in Asia, and the most advanced technology in the country, it has been the leading enterprise in the industry of injection molding machine in the country.
招收博士后项目(岗位名称1):注塑机合模优化设计 Program recruiting postdoctoral talents (Position 1): injection molding machine clamping optimization design 要求:机电一体化专业,博士学位 Requirements: Specialized in Mechatronics; with doctoral degree 人数:1人 Recruiting number: 1 拟提供科研经费:提供充足的科研项目经费,及相应的科研场所,配备必要的研发助手团队,具体面谈。 Scientific research funds to be provided: Provide sufficient scientific research funds, the corresponding research place, and necessary research assistant team. Specific content is to be explained in interview. 待遇说明(住房、工资、福利等): Remuneration (housing, wages, welfare, etc.) : 企业根据博士后研究人员的工作表现和实际贡献确定其工资奖金,年薪十万以上,年底根据表现提供1~5万年终奖。 Salary and bonus of doctorial talents are determined by work performance and based on the actual contribution. Annual salary: above 100,000 yuan; annual bonus: 10,000 to 50,000 yuan according to work performance. 企业为博士后研究人员提供120平米住房,配备家用电器等; Enterprise offers residential house of 120 square meters of housing equipped with electrical appliances; 出站后继续留本企业工作可享受企业职工保障房等政策; Those who continue the employment in the company after the expiration of period in the workstation will enjoy the policies such as affordable housing policy for enterprise employees; 宁波市及北仑区(开发区)针对博士后在站生活补助、培养经费、科研津贴及出站后留当地工作的安家补助等均提供强有力的政策扶持 Government of Ningbo and Beilun (development zone) provide policy to support postdoctoral talents in the aspects of living subsidies, training funds, research grants and relocation allowance after leaving the workstation.
申请方式: 请发送您的简历至ningborc@163.com(投递简历时请务必注明应聘岗位) 咨询电话:0086-574-83867538 |
编辑:Crystal JI |